Lintbells YuDIGEST - the digestive supplement from Yumove. Recently rebranded to Yumove Digestive care, Lintbells Yudigest offers the same proven formulation for digestive health customer trust. Yumove probiotics top up good bacteria and block bad bacteria for superior gut health. 

Showing 2 products
  • YuMOVE Digestive Care PLUS Currently Unavailable
    YuMOVE Digestive Care PLUS, previously YuDIGEST, provides a fast acting veterinary strength complex of gut-supporting natural ingredients, including a unique high strength BioActiv™ probiotic and prebiotic formula.
    £7.69 - £56.25
  • YuMOVE Digestive Care Currently Unavailable
    YuMOVE Digestive Care, previously YuDIGEST is a unique complex of prebiotics and probiotic bacteria specifically developed to actively support your dog or cat's digestive health.
    £23.75 - £53.59